- Trump World Golf Club Dubai – championship course by Tiger Woods Design
- Vista Lux at AKOYA Oxygen – (luxury retail, hospitality and entertainment)
- Tropical rainforest
- Hydroponic café
- Five-star hotel and suites
- Desert-inspired luxury spa
- Unique yoga enclave inspired by the natural elements
- Waterplay fountains across the community
- Organic fresh market
- Healthy dining
- Schools and nurseries
Dubai, Madinat Hind 4, UAE
Mega villas at AKOYA Oxygen
Mega villas at AKOYA Oxygen
Built By
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These homes are located at the heart of AKOYA Oxygen, an international golf community boasting acres of green space, luxury boutiques, entertainment facilities and fine dining venues.
Take the family outside and enjoy the outdoors in a community that caters to all aspirations.
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แแแ แแแแ แขแ3 แแ
แแแแแ200 แ
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แกแแแแ700 แ
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แขแแแ # Ref | Block / แแแฌแ | Layout | Level | Price | แกแฃแ | แกแแซแแแแแแแแ | แแแแแแแแ | แแแแแแแ |
แแแแ #H | AED 1'450'000 | 369 แ | 4 | 2 | 207 แ | |||
แแแแ #E | AED 1'750'000 | 172 แ | 3 | 2 | 269 แ | |||
แแแแ #F | AED 1'950'000 | 269 แ | 3 | 2 | 200 แ | |||
แแแแ #G | AED 1'850'000 | 369 แ | 4 | 2 | 333 แ |
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